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Luke 6:31
April 28
Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
These are the wisest words ever spoken. The wisdom of all the scholars and sages is good, but nothing even comes close to these words of Jesus. If people would obey these words, and treat others the way that they would like to be treated, ninety percent of the world’s problems would be solved. There would be no more lying, cheating, stealing or any type of abuse of one person to another and we would have peace flow like a river. Think of it. These are the WISEST WORDS EVER SPOKEN and they came from the lips of our Savior Jesus Christ. These words are known as the golden rule, and Coca-Cola used to put them on 12 inch rulers and pass them out freely at schools back in the golden age of the United States, when the prevailing sentiment was Christian. In those days, New Testaments were also distributed in public schools. I doubt if this practice is feasible today. Can you imagine the outcry this would provoke from many of the godless who would love to remove any trace, allusion, or reference to our precious Savior who is the Lord of the Universe? Come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen.
Commentary by Francis L. Harris
"...what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30