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Proverbs 22:6
January 31
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
One of the biggest problems of our age is undisciplined and UNRULY CHILDREN. They grow up to be undisciplined and unruly adults, ungoverned by principles of morality, hard work and fair play, but guided by self-will and the desire for pleasure and self-gratification. There are two sides to today’s verse; negative and positive. First, CORRECTION AND DISCIPLINE IS NECESSARY to get a child to mind, that is, to obey his parents and his elders. “Honor thy father and mother.” Just a little tap on the wrist and a look and a word of displeasure is enough. Do it in love, and be consistent and firm, and stick with it until the child is “trained” and obeys you and desires to please you. You don’t have to be a brute or monster and beat the child. USE COMMON SENSE.
The 2nd part is POSITIVE, that is, habits that you guide him into forming. TAKE HIM TO CHURCH. Let him see that you fear God and believe in God. Teach him to pray and read his Bible. Guide him in these things until they are HABITS, and: and when he is old, he will not depart from them. If we are in chaos and problems in our society, YOU CAN TRACE IT TO THE PARENTS and the training, or lack of it that was administered or neglected. Parents have an awesome responsibility. “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” LOVE your children, PRAY for them and with them , TAKE THEM TO CHURCH to worship and honor God, and may God Bless America.
Commentary by Francis L. Harris
"...what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30