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Romans 3:24
November 29
Romans 3:24
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
Self-justification is one of the strongest instincts in our fallen nature. “I didn’t know”, or, “it wasn’t intentional”, or, “someone told me to.” We are expert in all manner of dodges, shifts, and excuses. But God does not accept these things as legitimate pleas. We have sinned against God, we have disobeyed his commands, and we stand guilty and condemned before Him. But even though we are guilty and without excuse, if we will go to God and confess our sins, and trust Jesus as our Savior, this verse tells us that we are JUSTIFIED FREELY BY HIS GRACE, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:24. This does not mean that our sin was unnoticed or unpunished. THE PENALTY AND PRICE for our disobedience, evil, and waywardness was FULLY PAID for by Jesus’ suffering on the cross. He purchased our redemption by paying the penalty in our place. Notice how God justifies; not partially, not grudgingly, but FREELY. Notice the mechanism. It is by His GRACE; His wonderful, eternal, marvelous, saving GRACE, given to us FREELY by the merits of His Son who loved us and gave Himself for us to die in our place. What will be the fate of those who spurn and treat with contempt God’s gracious offer of love and forgiveness through His precious, well-beloved, and only begotten Son. What will be their NEVER-ENDING, ETERNAL DESTINY?
Commentary by Francis L. Harris
"...what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30