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Revelation 22:13
May 28
Revelation 22:13
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Travel back in time to your earliest memories. Then think back to the beginning of recorded history. Then go back as far as your imagination will allow, and you have not even begun to imagine the age, the timelessness of God. God’s name is I AM, meaning that He is self-existent, without beginning and without end. Our time, the time of our world, began when God said, “Let there be light”. We are creatures of a moment; we are like may-flies that are born, flit about, and die the same day. But God is eternal.
Now here is something that really boggles the mind. Think of the immensity of space; the magnitude of the universe. Then try to comprehend that the magnificent God who created all this, loves us and wants us to be near Him; to dwell with him and He with us. So great is His desire for this, that He sent His Son to this wretched world of sin and tears to die for our sins in order to cleanse and forgive us, and thus to make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sinfulness, and made fit for the wonderful home in heaven that He is preparing for us at the present moment. The whole business of THIS life, is to prepare for the NEXT life, and to dwell with our marvelous Creator in blessedness forever. Are you prepared? Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28.
Commentary by Francis L. Harris
"...what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30